Friday, November 27, 2015

Dwarvember Week 4

Ah, well, here we are. Week 4 of Dwarvember is upon us, and against all odds and reason, I have managed to finish the Challenge. Not only did I manage to complete an entire Dwarf project in one month, but I also managed to create a second Warband for Frostgrave in the process. This one was not easy... I didn't even join this Challenge until the middle of Week 3, so I had some catching up to do.

^ First up for this week we have three Dwarf Infantryman. They were originally Miners from The Battle For Skull Pass boxed set from Games Workshop, but I wasn't a big fan of the candles on the helmets. So I clipped them off and added some stray parts from Ye Olde Bitz Box. I also managed to get the problem in painting the purplish skin sorted out from last week. I may need to revisit those riflemen...

^ The Barbarian. Barbarians are supposed to have a 2-handed weapon, but this guy has two hand weapons. I am sure my opponents will allow this slight variation to slide on by. Right, guys?

^Finally, the Dwarf Witch-Lord. This started out as the cannon swabber from the aforementioned Skull Pass set, but I modified him just a little. The helmet is a Beastmen standard from the first plastic Beastmen boxed set that GW released long ago. The cape is from GW Wood elves, the sword in the sword pommel in the sheath is from GW High Elves, and the staff is a Hunnic standard from Essex miniatures. I have had it kicking around for about 22 years now, I remember buying it in San Diego a couple of years before I moved to Las Vegas Sin City USA.

^ And now, the whole Warband. Clearly the Dwarf Witch-Lord is going to be a Witch in Frostgrave game terms, but I haven't quite figured out the details yet.

So there it is. A Dwarf Warband for Frostgrave, from start to finish in roughly a week and a half. Viewers might notice a wholesale lack of anyone resembling an Apprentice. This is deliberate on my part, I want to try a variety of different playing styles in Frostgrave, and The Wizard With No Apprentice is a part of that. Wish me luck.

Please check out this week's Mo'vember entry as well.

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