Saturday, November 21, 2015

Mo'vember Week 3

Ah, here we are, in week three of Mo'vember and I am all caught up on my painting. I finished more of my first Frostgrave warband this week, but I didn't take any WIP pics (bad monkey! bad! bad!.) I also made some scenery to add a little snowy mystique to my board. And... I got distracted by Dwarvember, another monthly painting challenge running concurrently to Mo'vember.

 A sudden flash of insight reveals that no one came here for dwarfs or scenery...

Right. So here we have it. A bearded Thug whose moustache is hidden under his helmet. A couple of Archers in matching outfits and darker skin, showing their professional status and southerly origin. And a Dog, because I realized I didn't have enough gold for another member of the warband I had originally planned to include, but Dogs are cheap.

Give the pictures already...

 Fine, fine. Two archers, a thug, and a dog walk into a bar...

And now for all of them, from the whole month.

Next week, the final installment of Mo'vember, featuring the Wizard, the Barmaid... err, Apprentice, and the Man-at-Arms


  1. You certainly know how to make life difficult for yourself - Dwarfember and Frostgrave Mo'vember at the same time? You don't have to make up for those all that time spent not painting in one month...
    Joking aside, nice work on your Greek inspired warband. Reminds of the masks worn by the Brutes in Zardoz. Hmm, a Frostgrave warband inspired by there's an idea. Lol
    Regards Jez

  2. Great work, and lovely finished minis, now that is one big dog! I wouldn't want to meet him on a dark night (except perhaps to ride him home, LOL).

    At least the Dwarves would work for Mo'vember too (as long a they have beards of course!)

    Cheers Roger.

  3. Memo to me: start Zardoz warband in January

    Memo to Roger: it never occurred to me that a single set of figures could fulfill two separate painting challenges!
