Saturday, November 14, 2015

Mo'vember Weeks 1 And 2

"But wait!" I hear the unwashed masses cry out, "isn't it cheating to skip the first week?"

Well, no. In this case, I became aware of Mo'vember in the second week, and started getting stuff painted the very next day. And now, here we are, two days after that, and I have stuff finished and ready to show already. Not a LOT to show, granted, but I have only had a few hours to get these guys looking good.

If you recall, in my last installment I had put together a little backstory about my warband. But I forgot a little bit of information. Those drunk, untrained, unemployed thugs Our Heroes had hired? They had to be equipped by Our Heroes as well, which is why they have the same spears and helmets. Now that we have that little piece of bookkeeping taken care of, we can move on.

"And loud huzzahs were heard in the distance..."

^ Here we have the first work in progress picture. Not much, but you can see the basics of blocking color, and I am focusing on the two left-hand thugs for my Week 1 and Week 2 entries. Everyone else is getting a little paint as I go along.

^ And this is right before I give it all a dark wash to shade them and pick out the details.

^ They look yucky after the wash, and I usually feel a lot of despair at this point. "They will never look pretty ever again..."

^ ...but then they turn out beautiful, my little caterpillar thugs have become butterflies after all!


  1. They look terrific and its clear your dark wash method works wonders once dry. Welcome to Mo'Vember and "Frostgrave" :-)

  2. Ah, the black wash, when it first goes on and you think "was that a mistake?" Very nice work, Punkrabbit. Look forward to seeing your wizard.
    Regards Jez

  3. The secret to the shading wash is selective highlighting afterwards... wizard and apprentice will be in Week 4 :-)

  4. Great start Rabbitt, and some really nice results too, I too and a fan of the "final wash". Shame we have to wait till week four to see your Wizard.

    Cheers Roger.
