Thursday, November 19, 2015

Wednesday Night Musings

Just some random thoughts about Frostgrave that have been brewing in my mind this week...

How Much is Too Much?
I've jumped fully into Frostgrave. I haven't even played a game yet, and I have plans for six or eight warbands. I may not ever even play six or eight games! It's as if every time I see an idea, I want to Frostgrave it. I had a couple of warbands from my abortive attempt to play Brink of Battle, both of them are being written up for Frostgrave (the unfinished flamingoes, however, are not.) Then there is the warband I am currently painting, as shown in my last installment. And I read about Dwarvember and, you guessed it, I felt the compulsion to start a Dwarf warband for this new project. Add to that the goblins I painted but never based for D&D, some leftover figures from both of my daughter's Elf projects, and an unassembled box of Orcs, and I am already set for the next several months of building and painting. Did I mention I still haven't played a game yet? Did I mention leftover Kroot? Oh, and what about those Egyptian and Libyan groups I did for Song of Blades and Heroes that are gathering dust?

Somewhere, something sinister and powerful is laughing at me. I can feel it...

Models With Two Weapons
I originally posted a topic about this on TMP; one of my dwarfs will be my Barbarian, but he is using two axes instead of a two-handed axe. While the general consensus is that it is just fine as long as everyone playing knows that two axes = two-handed axe, this is driving me crazy. I started serious miniatures gaming with Warhammer 40,000, and I am firmly indoctrinated in the "What You See Is What You Get" mentality. Granted, this rule was later replaced by the "Counts As" rule, but my roots go way back. So, I will be running this guy as a "Counts As" in regards to the axes, but at some point I may feel the urge to replace him with a different naked dwarf with a single big axe.

It stalk me in my dreams, whispering gluttonous thoughts, too much is never enough...

I am heavily invested in cardstock scenery. I have a lot of it. And by a lot, I mean it in capitals. I have a LOT. So my first thought for Frostgrave were to forget about the winter theme, and just use the rules, but for a more temperate gaming environment. But, when I went to my storage to dig out the big bin o' generic fantasy scenery, I discovered some small Christmas Village trees I had bought a few years back, and an unused sheet of white foamcore board (as well as a few other scenic odds and ends.) So, we are back to winter. Or at least defrosting winter. I am in the process of building some scatter terrain pieces on the white foamboard to be snowy patches still intact on my otherwise brown and green gaming board. With a fair selection of cardstock houses and other accessories. I *think* I have a selection of ruined buildings, if not I will have to make some more.

No, of course you don't have to worry if there is enough room in the house for it all...

Sorry about the lack of fancy pictures tonight, I will have posts up with pictures for both Mo'vember and Dwarvember as we close in on the weekend.


  1. "Looks like another case of Frostgrave-bite, Doctor", "Well, as long as he hasn't bought every official release to date, it's still treatable." Lol
    I think it's a good thing that this game has fired your imagination and allowed you to re-purpose figures you already had. I haven't even bought the game yet, but I'm still painting up a warband.
    Regards Jez

  2. We all live in the world of "I need an excuse to paint......." even though most of the time we never actually use any of the stuff we've painted, I guess we just like to justify our purchases to ourselves before we have to do it to spouses!.

    Sadly I too spend some of last night at work planning more warbands.... Oh god it's an epidemic!!!

    Cheers Roger.
