Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Wednesday Night Musings II

Scenery? Scenery!
OK, so last week I was speculating about scenery, and since then I have made some cardstock ruins and snow patches/drifts for my game board. Rather than rambling on about it all, I will let the pictures do the talking:

The snow patches are just rounded shapes cut out of foamcore board with the cheap christmas village tree decorations glued down onto them. On a few, I also used some plastic scenery from one of the Lord of the Rings games from Games Workshop. I even used the foamcore to add a little snow to one of the ruined buildings.

R.I.P. Favorite Paints
While I was finishing up my Mo'vember and Dwarvember entries for this week I finally saw the bottom of the bottle of a few of my favorite Delta Ceramcoat craft paints.

Brown Iron Oxide
Second Lightest Lavender
Favorite Gold

We salute you! I already had a bottle of white ready to replace the dying one, but the rest I will need to make a pilgrimage to Joann's Fabrics to obtain replacements. And some more black, because I know my black is running low.

This coming Satyrday (or maybe even Friday) will see the poting of my final entries for both the Mo'vember and Dwarvember painting challenges. Everything is finished, I just need to take some pictures and write up some blog!


  1. The snow patch/drift idea is so simple, yet so genius! Consider it stolen.

    Regards Jez

  2. Wait until you see how it looks scattered across a regular game table! I should have some pics of that (and the new scenics I have assembled since this update) on my Mo'vember and Dwarvember week 4 entries.
